We have all heard of foreign dog breeds like German Shepherd, Labrador and Golden Retriever. But have we heard of any dog breed that is just as majestic and is indigenous to India?
I am going to introduce you to one such breed, ‘Mahidant Mastiff.’ This breed of livestock guardian dogs is found in northern India, especially in the western Himalayas region and in the states of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. They are also called the ‘Himalayan Sheepdog’ and ‘Gaddi Kutta.’ They were initially bred for hunting purposes but now the Gaddi Kutta is widely used by local shepherds.
Mahidant Mastiffs are very intelligent, gentle, and calm. They are known for their courageous temperament. Their built helps them fight the harshest climates and predators making them one of the best guardian dogs available. They requires a ton of exercise, on a daily basis. One should take them out for walks and give them sufficient room to freely run around and expend energy on their own.
My personal experience with this breed has been joyful. One of my friends had this breed a few years ago and he named him Rocco, and we used to play with Rocco whenever I visited him, and let me tell you, these guys are very gentle around kids with excellent decision-making capabilities. At the first sight, they look ferocious but they are heart-warming and at the same time they can turn aggressive to protect you from any unwanted danger. He was always protective, which is the main aspect of this breed and he would turn combative against any possible threat. I can wholeheartedly say that Rocco was one of the most loving, loyal, and active dogs I ever met and I always cherish the moments I spent with him.
Heads up! If you live in any area with a humid climate, then adopting Mahidant Mastiffs might not be a good idea because their thick fur is made to protect them in cold conditions, and this might turn into a disaster during summers.
I would like to tell everyone reading this article that apart from looking at foreign breeds and adopting them we should do some research about the breeds found in India. We have many beautiful dog breeds that are as loyal and possess all the qualities as one can find in other breeds. Sadly these indigenous breeds are ignored by the people in our country.
There are many other breeds available for adoption that one might consider. One of the most under-appreciated and ignored groups of dogs are the ones we find on the street, our own desi dogs or "Indie dogs" as many call them. We can consider adopting them too as they are as good and loyal as any other breed available. In fact the best part of them is that they are healthier dogs and they can withstand and be happy in any kind of weather that India has to offer.