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STRAW Directory of Animal Welfare Organizations, Animal Welfare Volunteers and Veterinarians” brings the significant benefit of allowing anyone from anywhere in India to search the directory and find information relating to an animal welfare organization, an animal welfare volunteer or a veterinarian so that help could be provided to a distressed animal in the fastest possible time.

Organizations, veterinarians and individuals could also use the directory to reach out to fellow animal welfare groups, volunteers and veterinarians to form collaborations, garner support, and spread awareness for new initiatives.

Maintenance of the Directory

The directory is maintained by volunteers who work closely with STRAW staff to ensure that the information is up to date and accurate.

As a directory user, you can also play an important role helping us maintain the directory listings. If you find that there is inaccurate information, questionable listings, or missing organizations, please let us know by clicking here ([email protected]). It is only through constant assessment of the directory that we can ensure the quality of the information.

Organizations: if you are a representative of an animal welfare organization, we urge you to check your organization’s listing and ensure that the information we have is correct. If not you can write to us by clicking here ([email protected]) and give us the correct information.

If you do not see your organization listed, please take a moment to register in the given form. We will review your organization’s information prior to publishing it in the directory.

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About Us

Stray Relief and Animal Welfare (STRAW) India is a registered nonprofit/non-government organization and its focus is summed up in its motto, Animal Welfare through Education. It promotes empathy and compassion for all living beings and care for the environment by educating young people through its humane education programs and workshops.


Stray Relief and Animal Welfare (STRAW)
4th Floor, D2/2303, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi, INDIA
PIN: 110070
Email: [email protected]

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